Raising an Issue with the Technical Oversight Committee (TOC)

Issues specific to a project should first be raised within the project itself. Each project provides a system such as GitHub Issues for this purpose, as well as the contact information for its maintainers. However, if the issue is broader in nature or if you are not satisfied with the disposition by the project you may bring it up to the TOC for consideration. Such examples include the case where a project is evolving in a different direction than what is expected or where the project falls short of meeting the expectations set by the original project proposal.

There are several ways you can bring up an issue to the TOC. The most direct one is to simply open an issue in the TOC GitHub repository or to send an email to the TOC mailing list. Projects also submit quarterly reports PRs against which you can file a comment. Either way should get attention from the TOC.

Please, provide all relevant background information when raising an issue so that the TOC is fully equiped to process it. Failing to do so will lead the TOC to ask for that information as a first step and delay processing.

If you are unsure about how to proceed or would like to raise an issue privately consider contacting one of the Hyperledger Community Architects or one of the TOC members. Community Architects can easily be contacted via email community-architects@hyperledger.org or chat #community-architects.